我尝试让自己怀着同理心去看待每一个人,希望借此多了解对方,借而了解自己。 我追寻梦想,也希望帮助孩童建设梦想,让他们的生活多一份色彩。 我尝试着,我努力着...... 希望我的努力,能为他人带来欢乐,带来幸福,带来思维上的改变...... 同道们,大家一块加油......
11:00pm+ Yoke Tien (Brittany) mum called, well conversation!
2:30am to 2:45am – Fall from 18th floor
Within 2:45am to 7:00am – Brittany’s mum notice by other except ‘him’!
1) Why Joshua dint call her best friend kai shin to tell her about Yoke Tien’s die ?
2) Why must be lie to reporters?
-house rental is Rm1500 and paid by her Yoke Tien”s mum (who tell reporters the condo is from that Joshua?
- 1 million bought by him?
- Joshua work for only 3 years+ but why reported 12 yrs? So ridiculous
-Drunk? She knowing her positive, positive character, she will not do such silly thing, she is smart girl
-the jump location is wall with metal bar on top, 4feet need to step on something to able jump for a girl, and its take times to do those action
-furthermore, 2 sets of the wall to reach the jump point, so is ample time for him Joshua to catch her back if she was want to do such action.
-Her shoes? Camera memory card? Where is going?
- Yvonne who stayed with Brittany for 1month, she realize he is rough and violence
- why bruise (greenish) on Brittany neck? When did it?
- why as a police he dint report himself? Is the security guard of the condo called to report. Why he never inform Yoke Tien’s mum once happening, she mum know this matter around 7am . She was die on 230am
-Yoke Tien knew Joshua around 3-4 months only, why news said they stay together around 1 year already?
-she is cheerful, easy-going, intelligent, smart, friendly, and confirm she will not die for him
-why Joshua say he want to jump only when police arrive? What happen about the 3 to 4 hours? This is a misery, who will know the truth?
-some more he tell reporter she is PR at a nightclub? Those all is lie, he is a liar
-investigate what happen in the lift? CCTV sure can review back the situation…
1. 死的人和我们非亲非故,所以感受不深。这就好像当我们在阅读报纸时,我们不会为灾难中死去的几十几百人而感到难过,流泪。
2. 贪污过于猖狂。有些人能用权/钱为自己摆脱罪名。
3. 人类是善忘的或说是三分钟热度。刚开始或许会很留意某件罪案,但,随着时间的推移,,人们就会渐渐的淡忘此事。
4. 资讯受控。读者被报章上的报导所骗。
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